Dom Oramas


I am a full-stack developer with an interest in creating apps that creativly solve problems. I have a diverse background ranging from customer service and root cause analysis to being a professional musician and songwriter.
me looking serious

Dom Oramas
Portland, OR



Experienced in

  • Python
  • Html
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • Git/GitHub
  • React

Interested in

  • Java
  • Ruby on Rails
  • C#
  • Virtual Reality
  • Go
  • Vue

General life

Experienced in

  • Songwriting
  • Live performances
  • Running
  • Fatherhood

Interested in

  • Photography
  • Travel
  • Video production
  • Continous learning


screenshot of grocerylist app

Simple Grocery List React App

This was a quick project I did to get a better understading of React. This app allows you to add grocery list items, change the quantity, cross off the item when completed and delete the item. Click on the link to try it out!

screenshot of python code

Python Project - Date Night

During my Full-Stack developer coursework at PDX Code Guild, I was tasked with creating a project in python utilizing outside liberaries. I designed an application that randomly picks a dinning location within the users area and up to three different activites that are near. The challange was utilizing Yelps API and parsing the information to get the information I needed.


Dom Oramas
Portland, OR

Thank you for stopping by my site. I am currently looking for opportunities to code for a creative company and to continue to expand my technical knowledge.